Here I will type about the common units in the game.These include trikes,quads,etc.
Trikes: Basically a three-wheeled vehicle with one machine gun. Very,very,very fast.
Good for scouting.
Quad: A fast vehicle with two small rocket launchers. Like a Trooper, only more heavily armored and
with 2 rocket launchers. Also faster than a Trooper.
Combat Tank: If you want to have a war, do it with these guys. They're your main offense and defense.
Slower than a quad, but with better firepower(I think).
Seige Tank: Your Infantry killers. Two shots and they're dead!
Missle Tank: your main tank and building killers! I like to send 5 of these at a time and attack
your opponents base!!! It really ticks them off!!!! ALOT better than a Combat Tank.
Those are the only Common Units I could think of. If anybody thinks of something i forgot,post it
on my message board.